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PC NEWS IN BRIEF: FOOTBALL VOTE TODAY, HEALTH BROCHURES AVAILABLE, CANOE TRIP, BLOOD DRIVE, YOU CAN GRO; P.E. Building Ready by Christmas; New road to open; Faculty-Administration compromise: Midterm letter grades issued; editorials; Letters To The Editor; Roots & Radicals; McMullen vetoes jackets; Parkland Events; Career Room open to students; Tie-Rods named tug-of-war champs; Parkland Student directory; Football referendum set for October 22-23; LRC Suggestion Box; Distaff Side; Forum; Dear Bonnie; The Kaleidoscope; Zanies Here Today: Dinglefest Theatre; Football Results; Sports Views; Hendricks, Oliver to return: Cagers prepare for season; Fast Freddy's football forecast; Games Of October 25; Coach's Corner; Jocks; Intramurals: The People's Sport; Lanphar to retire; P/C offers dog school; The Draft and YOU; Crosby and Nash Concert disappointing; Child development program starts; Vinyl Love; Foto-Funny's; Country Bouquet; Bicentennial festivities announced: "Celebration Week" March 29-April 3; Bicent. Leadership Confab slated; Mini-concert; Local art for Bicentennial; Money still available from BEOG; folkorist October 23; Two plays to be presented in December; Classified; Club Notes: Vets Affairs..., I.O.C. Plans..., Rifle Club..., Lit Magazine...; Far Out Planet: Skylines; Scholarshp news from WIU





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community college, student newspapers


Journalism Studies | Mass Communication

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

Prospectus, October 21, 1975

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