Prospectus, January 22, 1976
P/C LONG AWAITED GYM OPENS: COBRAS OCCUPY NEW HOME - THE PIT; "But I'm too old to be carded."; Stu-Go Ruling May Ax Hopefuls; Forum; First Ike...; ...then Mike; Editorial; Letters; Library alarm installed; P/C Offers Animal Care; Stu-Go election to be held in February; Vets Verify Hours; Rotary Club Sponsors Tech Training Award; The Award Letter; Football Decision Deferred by Board of Trustees; Women's Programs Offer Variety; SIU, U of I designate Guest days; P/C Women Cagers Open Season Tonight; Cobras dump Illini JV's 84-75: Winners at last!; Cobra's Corner; What's New? Lakers Win Again, 73-55
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