Document Type
Publication Date
Summer 2017
This poster describes the Thick Slice CLARITY technique, an alternative to the whole tissue or whole body clarity technique. The CLARITY technique is a tissue clearing method allowing for both structural and molecular analysis of a tissue sample, but the method applied to whole tissue or body is very expensive and time consuming. Thick Slice CLARITY applies the same principles but to a 200 micrometer slice of brain tissue. This method, used in conjunction wit standard fluorescent staining methods and imaging via confocal microscopy, has allowed for the colocalization of GPR3 with neurons in the mouse striatum.
Copyright is owned by the creators of this work.
Recommended Citation
Ping, Eva C.; Saul, Michael C.; and Stubbs, Lisa, "Thick Slice Clarity for Localization of Novel Neuroactive Target Gene Products" (2017). PRECS student projects. 4.
Research featured in this poster has been conducted by at the Carl R. Woes Institute for Genomic Biology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.