Prospectus, January 29, 1976

Prospectus, January 29, 1976

Dave Scouffas, Parkland College
Donna Frichtl, Parkland College
Rick Cantrell, Parkland College
Larry Wisnosky, Parkland College
Frieda Myers, Parkland College
Mike Street, Parkland College
Dave Linton, Parkland College
Ron Chrastka, Parkland College
Maryjo A. McCabe, Parkland College
Mike Babcock, Parkland College
Dave Hinton, Parkland College


PC NEWS IN BRIEF; ISSC Monies cut; Stu-Go Election Set: Ten candidates vie for office on Feb. 3-4; good news; Parkland Band to be in Jazz Fest; Vet Tech: P.C. Program Exclusive; The Award Letter; KAPUT to start; Sign for gardening class; Country Bouquet; Parkland purges poisonous pigeons; skylines; vinyl love; Riggs relates success of women's programs; Shooting Problems Plague Women Cagers; Oliver scores 32 points: Cobras Win Over Illinois Central; at Charleston: PC Harriers Hurry at EIU