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PETITION NOW: STU-GO ELECTIONS APRIL 26-7: SIX OPENINGS; Meets tonight: Board swears in Dodds, Miller; Finance board discusses fees; Commencement set May 22; Parkland Speech Team takes 4 bronze awards; Student Forum: A cure for smash-up parking lot disease; Editorial: Need Stu-Go candidates; Do away with Mid-Terms; Psychology offered to women -- about women; 'Alcoholism and Women' looks at the woman alcoholic today; Women's studies gain campus popularity; Senior citizens exhibit arts, crafts at PC; Parkland students donate 77 pints to County Blood Bank; Led Zepp. un-earthly; PC facilities 80% completed, Soc. Science wing still a dream; The good ol' days: PC wasn't always under one roof; 'Salt of the Earth': struggle for freedom; Mediasceen: People want to see Ernie Kovacs back on TV; Classifieds; This Week's Recipe; USGF Gymnastics here April 16-17; Fall semester: Pre-registeration; 1977 Outdoor Track Schedule; Women's Softball Schedule; Parkland Baseball Schedule; 1st in PC history: Schweighart hurls no-hitter; Kim Burke named All-American; Sports editorial: One Chicago team?; Winless women look for first softball victory; McCulley leads Parkland track





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community college, student newspapers


Journalism Studies | Mass Communication

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

Prospectus, April 13, 1977



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