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APATHY REIGNS: FOUR SEEK SIX POSTS IN FRIDAY'S ELECTION; PC news in brief: Intramurals volleyball, First Aid cards are in, Calendar errs, Voter registration info given; 'Referendum crucial': PC faces deficit: Neal; Producer Rick Orr visits PC this week; Editorial: Activity fees found discriminatory; Letters to the editor: Party thanks, Lots of Money; Staff editorial: Check 'no' no 1040's; Forums set for spring; Parkland divided on amnesty question; Nettnin is VA coordinator, replacing Joe O'Daniel; New anti-crime group offers reward; Snowed over but not snowed in!; PC student starts Tel-a-quest; Lacking in days: February has the groundhog; 'Beads' is featured by Somedancers; Referendum polling places listed; 226 treated before end of month: PC Dental Clinic offers "Head Start" for teeth of local children; 2 new listings: Music Courses offered; Violinist Fried plays at Krannert; VA interprets changes; Somedancers Inconcert at Paxton, Saturday; Practicum new for art students this semester; Classifieds; Cobras defeat Danville; 'Good' moves into first place; Men's Intramural Basketball Schedule; Kankakee game canceled: Women cagers undefeated so far; Co-Rec Volleyball Tuesdays; 'Good competition': Indoor track meets at UI; Kathy Kaler named to All-American team





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community college, student newspapers


Journalism Studies | Mass Communication

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

Prospectus, February 2, 1977



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