Prospectus, November 9, 1977
Marcella Rose, Jo Miller, Evelyn Basile, Tim Wells, and Ken Hartman
AIR FORCE SHOW HERE; I think that I will never see a snackbar with a redwood tree; CHI sponsors arthritis talk; Pre-registration starts Monday; Parkland veterans carry gripes to Springfield reps; Stu-Go looks into wide screen TV purchase; Parkland Events; Letter to the Editors: PLATO to go?; Susan Day gives readings next Tuesday; Activities for long-living include chair exercises; Free tutoring help is available- veterans, widows, children, others; Double bagging saves time, $$$: Glasa; Special Notice; Ahh...the terpsichorean delights of the ballet!!; You win some, you lose some: Co-ed spikers are serious competitors; Poet at Women's Program; Classifieds; Conference champions look forward to state competition; Women's Volleyball Pool Play Schedule; Women ready for state; Coach Bob wins one!!!: Three Freddy fiends get 11; Sports shorts.....; Basketball captain; IM footballers into final weeks; Hammerin' Hank visits C-U
Prospectus, November 16, 1977
Bobbie Skinner, Joyce Linn, Evelyn Basile, Terri Anderson, Joe Miller, Lois Cooper, Lynette Trout, Don Ballje, Joe Lex, Marcella Rose, Tim Wells, Ken Hartman, and Mike Babcock
PC PLACES 13 IN YEARBOOK; Finals just a month away; SWAMP meets; Bio talk Dec. 1st; Air Force rep here next week; MSOE rep here; Male health is next CHI topic; Parkland Events; Letters to the editors: Canteen flayed, Quatrain query, Cartoon condemned, ...and defended, Should students drive vehicles?; Carolers sought for kids' party; Nutrition course starts in Jan.; 'Anne Sexton' tomorrow night; State museum features three new art exhibits; PC art gallery may be a permanent addition; Madwoman of Chaillot: as a parable of Europe, ...as an amusing play; WILL Women's Week specials; Women's Conference hears girls' arguments; Watch repairing "wide open field," says Parkland grad; Last winter killed much wildlife: Hunting may be thin this fall; Only 40 spending days 'til Christmas; Personal Service Guide; Numbers A Woman May Need; Hygienists out on own?; Sorority rush; Moraine Valley takes Women's State Tourney; Attics high on insulation list; Doc says 'Mason's got it all together'; ...Lex says 'Mason/Loggins remnants of former selves; Final exam schedule; Suppose Custer hadn't died at Little Big Horn; Classifieds; Area teams still vying for state championship; NBC presents new basketball format; Ivy League revisited: Two tie in Freddy Forecast; One more Freddy; Women's basketball tryouts this week; It's basketball time again: Cobras short but accurate this season, State community college teams look to good seasons, Parkland Basketball Roster, Opener tonight at Lincoln pits young Cobras vs. Lynx; IM basketball
Prospectus, November 22, 1977
Joyce Linn, Jon Sivier, Mike Babcock, Andrew Fleming, Joe Miller, Barbara Skinner, Tim Wells, and Ken Hartman
NOVEMBER BOARD MEETING: PLATO STAYS 'TIL AUGUST; Senate votes tomorrow: More $$$ for Parkland; Pssst!! Here's a hot tip for making lettuce; Who's Who in American Junior Colleges: More PC students listed in college directory; Staff editorial: Has PLATO become just a PLAy TOy???; Letters to the editors: Let's try it one more time: Ax; Canteen defended; Cycle schedule is now available; Administration posture on Canteen is one of 'Let them eat cake'; Decision workshop given by counseling; Bio instructors sound off on DES reply; Special to Prospectus: Calculator gives interview; Beach Boys revisited; Poet's Corner; Grid great grabs freight: 'Picnic' keeps the audience laughing; News in Brief: Volunteers are needed for programs; Lems performs here November 29; LWV will cater fancy goodies; Classifieds; Thanks, but no thanks: PC students reflect on holiday season; Chris tells Spaniards, 'Turkeys is peacocks'; Freddy is loser in contest finale; second year in a row: K-Action takes football crown; Win opener, 86-59: Cobras fry Lynx; Molesters stampede Bulls in IM opener; Two local teams still running for state; Cobras take on Millikin tonight in home opener; Bills vs. Oui; Pool wizard here Tues.
Prospectus, December 1, 1977
Jo Miller, Barbara Skinner, Andrew Fleming, Cathy Butler, Dave Hinton, Ken Hartman, Tim Wells, and Valerie Wallace
STU-GO: STU-GO VOTES AGAINST DELAY SYSTEM, WILL BUY 'TOYS FOR TOTS'; Toys for Tots; Woods offers nice winter get-away; Vets should give notice if planning to move; PFW Christmas party tonight; Corbin speaks on Animal Biology; Parkland Events; Hymn and carol sing in PC gym; Canteen committee member castigates 'cake' communique; New agribusiness course announced; Vet Techs Week; Wide-screen TV; League seeking more bowlers; 'Masters-piece' presented here by senior group; The Better Information Project, also known as BIPPIE awards; SWAMP sponsors info fair here; Poet's Corner; Monday set as interview night for real-estaters; Women gather in Houston: Was IWY meeting effective?; Author here Monday; Devices help the visually impaired; Old-fashioned Christmas at New Salem; Special Notice; Journ club meets; Silver cue sparkles in exhibition: White conjures and captures crowd; Classifieds; Bouncing Bob takes over; Eureka JV's remain question for Cobra squad; Cobras drop first game to fired-up Springfield quintet; Hopes are high: indoor track; Larson, Adams represent PC at nationals in Tuscon; M-S best 2-A team; High school roundballers groom for March Madness; Men's basketball: Home opener features convincing win; Can women repeat success?: Freshmen lead women cagers, Perfection hard to improve upon, Parkland Women's Basketball Team, Parkland Women's Basketball Schedule
Prospectus, December 7, 1977
Cecil Penn, David Hinton, Barbara Skinner, Evelyn Basile, Andrew Flemming, and Ken Hartman
BR-R-R-R-R: YES, WINTER IS HERE..; but warmth is on the way!!; Newspapers from your town at LRC; Parkland Events; Snow policy; Money to burn: Wide screen TV an 'egregious toy'; Letters to the editors; Tape delay unit could be built for much less; Snow? What snow?; Winter divertissement: Party tonight, concert given Sunday; Pre-register or...; Mr. C receives early present; Kuhn's 'Sister Celebration' is for women as alternative: creative religious celebration; Of trees and trim: Tell do's and don'ts: safe Christmas; VA payment increase is part of GI Bill Improvement Act; Fun night next Friday; Corbin answeres all your questions about animals; Poet's Corner: "Old Wisdom", "Purple Cow"; Classifieds; Liquid protein diet works, but results may be killer; Women's delegates appear-Foundation; Officiating confuses coaches, players: Cobras win one, lose one in wild week; Two tie in Bouncing Bob's opening Basketball Bonanza
Prospectus, December 15, 1977
Joe Miller, Dorothy L. Moreland, Larry Gilbert, Evelyn Basile, Joyce Linn, Cecil Penn, Andrew Fleming, Ken Hartman, Tim Wells, and Mike Babcock
LETTERS TO THE EDITORS: SLACK ANNOUNCES FOR STATE REP., DO THE STUDENTS KNOW?; Finals schedule revised; Star Wars cashes in on Sci-Fi movie craze; Nutcracker danced by National Ballet; Pre-school kids know why they have Christmas; Close encounters of a red and green kind; What else is new: Drivers bad?; Accidents up with sales: Experts: beware of chain saw dangers; ...and speaking of chain saws: America finds new fuel...wood; U. of I. art at krannert; A Prairie Winter: 'Whose woods these are...'; Carl Sandburg: 100 new poems published; Guest artist's choreography entertaining, full of surprises; Bach backers have cause to rejoice; Dirty heating equipment can make your gas bill skyrocket; Physical Science Division entices hi-schoolers with freebees, rap sessions, counseling; Santa's psyche probed by his errant elves; Who was that Santa I saw you with last night?; Settlers thought Illinois land was worthless; New cases for C-U city police: parent abuse; Goodbye, yellow notched card: Computerized circulation at UI Library; Humane Society still has puppies, kittens for gifts; Life doesn't end at 40, either: Seniors Center fights 'mope at home syndrome'; Thimbles and Threads: home-made surprises; Book review: Elvis-What Happened?; New studies of cholesterol: Eggs not villainous after all??; Warfield, Madrigals in UI holiday broadcast; Poet's Corner: The Flute; Allerton Park: As the leaves fall, the people leave; Some assistants please: The Legends of Lawrenceville; Meanwhile, back in the Cobra's camp...; Greatest names of golf fame ready themselves for tourney; Former Parkland student now high school assistant coach; Home run hero hits twin towns; Classifieds; Can Illinois challenge Northwestern?: Mad challenge for NCAA supremacy; Snow stalls area basketball but not for long in Illinois; Weather, Freddy bury Bob in snow; Cobras to play tough teams during break; 'He doesn't seem big to me': Student has special Cowboy
Additional material: Edition 3 of the Parkland literary magazine
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