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POSSIBLE CHANUTE CLOSING 'SHOCKS' CITIZENS; Student elections are today and tomorrow; Letters to the editors: Religion and science again, 'Stu-go not a total farce'; Spring bike riders should watch wheels; 'Tricky little devils' read poetry at PC; Parkland College News in brief: Law Enforcement Club will sponsor fair, Mrs. Staerkel hosts installation, Avoid math workshop begins, Breakfast is served, PC choir gives concert, U of I alumnus gets Pulitzer, Renew locker space now; Bottle bill fights for clean land, less cost; Neal Robinson receives award; Warning! Poison pot found in C-U area; Parkland women journalist reflects on 'tradition'; Farmland plots for rent; Classifieds; Stu-go hopefuls run for top jobs, ask your vote; Commencement plans announced for May 25; Smithson to join Parkland team; Cobras win second 5-4; Williams to be new Parkland wrestling coach





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community college, student newspapers


Journalism Studies | Mass Communication

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

Prospectus, May 2, 1978



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