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INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CELEBRATE TODAY; Letters to the Editors: Student has questions for Schumacher, Co-editor apologizes to runners, Student supports Schumacher's view; PACT discusses day care; Food, beer, fun planned for Oktoberfest; Seniors to tour Parkland next week; Stories of America will be presented October 29-Nov 1; Two-hundred help celebrate: Parkland students celebrate International Students Day today; State rep. candidates express their views; PC drama department presents its fall production; PC offers Pharmacy Technician program; Fall means football... and football means Homecoming; Handle your $$ properly; Learn to take care of you car: enroll in PC's car care course; Leardship is not shout, flout, and clout; Compunds from marine animals could cure cancer; U of I's John Dickel will talk; "Reaching Out"; Jeff Beck gives a hot, jazzy show; Marcel Marceau: the Master isn't up to par; IM football winds down: teams available for volleyball, b-ball; Career center needs guides; X-country third in invitational; PC to offer EMT refresher; Arts showcase scheduled for next week; PC Datebook; Cobras can tie for championship; Freddy's record looking better; Bench Warmer: Women's b-ball team looking for balance; Fast Freddy Contest
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community college, student newspapers
Journalism Studies | Mass Communication
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Holland, Tim; Walsh, Lori; Leffler, M.; Hacker, J.F. IV; Sterkel, Mark; and Slack, Chris, "Prospectus, October 22, 1980" (1980). Prospectus 1980. 17.