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CHRISTMAS GREETINGS; Parkland offers workshop on real estate Jan. 16; Student bids farewell to Parkland; Attention Accounting students; Students should let state know feelings; News In Brief; Cleaning holiday messes; Bookstores having a prosperous gift season; W.I.R.E. celebrates fifth year; Spring semester classes begin Jan. 18; Greetings from the President...; Don't want to complain, but...: Mother wants to avoid hassles; She enjoys atmosphere; Second annual video competition is underway; Students help with layout; Sistercelebration plans winter ritual; Uni High could get aid; Area offerings; 3 sides involved in radio issue; County eligible for grant; Com Club donates money; Stay on diet with sensible foods; 'Sugar Babies' rescheduled; Poinsettia: sign of season; Tree trimming becomes an art; Christmas cards start in England; He shares a gift of love; Christmas signifies something for everyone; Gift of jewelry never grows old; Boar's head: traditional feast; Day after: throw nuts; Tiny candy shop tempts with treats; Age-old customs make lovely Christmas; Collectibles make memorable Christmas; Joyous carols fill December air; Norwegian Christmas same, yet different from other countries; Christmas garden takes place of tree; Ski club selling candy bars; Good food, drink is large part of Christmas tradition; Sweep bad luck out of house; Spread holiday cheer with goodies from Great Britain; Drive carefully on icy winter days; 'Tis the season; Santa puts a smile on everyone's face; 'Buddy Buddy' funny, 'Rollover' does better; 'Pennies from Heaven' is touching; Cablevision announces service changes; A tribute to Lennon; Two new books make good Christmas presents; Max? He's a sweetheart; Christmas lives on through years; Burnham offers counsel; LRC adds two new librarians; Movie theatres offer good holiday viewing; Crazy Ozzy coming soon; Santa chooses rug over outdated reindeer; Keep holidays safe, hazard-free; Albums, 45's make great music gifts; Disease killing off pine trees in Illinois; U of I receives 3 grants; Computer model acts like storm; Artificial tree puts a crimp in her tradition; Christmas celebrated in spring?; Guest speaker featured; Students do same things on break as during class; For those who love to skate: Ice arena offers fun for all ages; Parkland's 1981-82 women's basketball; Classifieds; Christmas personals; Post offices keep busy with holiday season; Survey explains degree days; Final Exam Schedule -- Fall '81; Prospectus Christmas Hide-A-Word; 1981-1982 College bowl calendar; Women face stern test with Cougars; Women play with balanced attack; B-ballers raise to 5-0; Plenty of upcoming action for football fans; Last Fast Freddy is on Bowls; Fast Freddy Contest; Cobras meet DuPage 19th; Fall semester in review
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community college, student newspapers
Journalism Studies | Mass Communication
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Alexander, Jan; Staerkel, William M.; Renner, Jean; Mayer, Terri; Wenschhof, Sherry; King, Ruth; Gilbert, Larry; Sapp, Albert; Hieftje-Conley, Mark; P., B.; Suerth, Denise; Butler, Cathy; Schmitz, Tom; Hennigh, Gene; Bailey, Anne; Dalzell, Scott; Bateman, Sally; and Smith, Steve, "Prospectus, December 16, 1981" (1981). Prospectus 1981. 1.