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PARKLAND AT NIGHT…; News Digest; Evening job is preference; Two from PC named to board; StuGo challenged; Nominate now; UI feature: Engineering; 32nd open house planned; Behind in payments? This may be helpful; People want more than transportation; Auto mechanics must change with the times; Yesteryear: new car less than $900; Women's History Week; Attending evening classes requires dedication; Parts available; '83-'84 aid forms ready; Parkland P.M.; Pick a winner; Rolling Stones as vital as ever; Reputations are staked on Oscar predictions; Classified; C-U happenings; Skylines; 'Roughing it' isn't what it used to be; 'Worst thing that's happened to college football...': take the money and run; Track wins 15 of 17 in regional; Sport shorts; Globetrotters: comedy and skill; Record now 25-1 for PC women





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community college, student newspapers


Journalism Studies | Mass Communication

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

Prospectus, March 2, 1983

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