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HERE'S TO THE GRADUATING CLASS OF 2010; Parkland taking steps to conserve energy, reduce costs; Starting this summer, Uncle Sam will be your banker for federal student loans; Chuck Shepherd's News of the Weird; When metal comes home; Events you need to check out this summer; Meteorologist's star is rising in climate change maelstrom; Is it technology or is it magic?; You can inhale now; Students in action a volunteer army—ready to serve; Parkland Art Gallery summer exhibitions; Stanford University prepares for 'bookless library'; The CSIT department and what it can do for you; Before it was a perfect game, it was unique'; Parkland Commencement





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community college, student newspapers

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

Prospectus, June 2, 2010

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