"Sabbatical Leave Proposal and Report" by Christina Beatty

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Natural Sciences


Proposal Summary:

While I’ve spent most of my life knowing I wanted to teach, it wasn’t until I came to Parkland that I would have ever thought I’d be teaching forensic science. Originally, it was tasked to me as, “You know chemistry; you can teach forensics!” Well, in reality it has taken a bit more than that to be a successful instructor in this field. Since then, I’ve earned a second Master’s degree, a Master’s in forensic science, and I have grown to love teaching the field to a diverse group of students. Learning about and teaching forensic science brings me tremendous satisfaction because of its potential for positive impact on society and also its innate interest to students. In a sabbatical, I plan to intern with the Champaign Police Department Crime Scene Unit, attend an American Academy of Forensic Science conference, attend a Lily conference on Teaching and Learning, and visit various other forensic sub-disciplines in central Illinois.

I am requesting leave for 1 semester in Spring 2019. I will work for a one year term immediately following the completion of my sabbatical leave.


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