In celebration of WPCD FM's 40th anniversary, Parkland College student DJ Izzy Rossi interviews former Parkland student Tim Battershell, one of the first students to participate in the radio program, about his time at Parkland College. This interview is also a project for COM 142 at Parkland College.
Document Type
Radio Interview
Publication Date
Fall 9-27-2017
Copyright is owned by Parkland College and the participants of the interview.
Recommended Citation
Rossi, Isabella M. and Parkland College Radio WPCD, "Parkland Spotlight: 40 Years of WPCD FM: Interview with Tim Battershell" (2017). Parkland Spotlight: 40 years of WPCD FM Interviews. 4.
Transcript of Tim Battershell/Izzy Rossy Interview
Transcript is available for download.