Prospectus, November 4, 1981
Scott Dalzell, Mark Hieftje-Conley, Jimm Scott, Connie Bertam, B. P., and Steve Smith
FARE INCREASE POSTPONED; News In Brief; P.C. to serve as Field Center; Reader likes book review; 'Annie' opening Nov. 6; Closer than you think: Draft reinstated?; 'Ivesdale' displayed in gallery; Writing classes offered for elderly; Residents join to provide funds; Tourneys turn out surprises this week; What in the world is it?; Ski club plans trip to Michigan; P.C. Happ'nin's: International Fair November 11, Counseling meetings set, Equine Club invites members, Artist displays sculpture at PC, WPCD airs game, Marketing offered in Villa Grove, PACT meets, PACT offers CPR; Pet ailing? call Hotline; Classifieds; Larry Daniels thrills P.C. crowd; New York Dolls: big influence on rock'n'roll; King Crimson reforms; David Johansen's latest reviewed; Volleyballers lose during conference play; 3 Cobras qualify for nationals; Sports News; Freddy breaks even; Fast Freddy Contest; Photo News; Halloween arrives at Parkland
Prospectus, November 11, 1981
Denise Suerth, Maria Wehrle, Mary Lee Sargent, Albert Sapp, Mark Hieftje-Conley, Scott Dalzell, Sally Bateman, Connie Bertram, and B. P.
CHARTER BOARD MEMBER DIES; News In Brief; John Mathews: November 9, 1981; Board members elected; Plan for shopping trip; 19 cities offer classes; Artists featured; Students helping students; Workshop on telling stories; Movie deals with social turmoil; America's going cold turkey; P.C. Happ'nin's: Counseling meetings set, Performances begin Nov. 12; Christian group tells topics; Farm Health Day is December 4. Workshop plans told at Parkland, Nutrition to be topic; Foreign foods to be served at language students' dinner; Grad student finds out cartoons turn into cash; Walt Disney goes adult; See French Lieutenant's Woman; 'Bohemia' better live than recorded; An inside look at federal agent; Holiday season opens; "Annie" reviewed; Johansen makes history; Prepare your car for approaching winter; Classifieds; Celebrate International Day; Game playoffs continue; Ski club has sale; Parkland wins v-ball sectional; Lewis wins Fast Freddy, Illini shafted; BB starts Mon.; Sports Notes; Fast Freddy Contest; Photo News
Prospectus, November 18, 1981
Terri Mayer, Denise Suerth, Steven Smith, Sally Bateman, B. P., and Albert Sapp
HOSPITALS RECRUIT STUDENTS; News In Brief; Reserve courses early; Thanksgiving first celebrated in 1619; Zappa will perform; Interested in socializing?; Lonely on Thanksgiving? Urbana High offers dinner; Hiring a whole graduating class; P.C. Happ'nin's: EMT workshop meets Dec. 5, Print display set, Club holds Western contest, Raffle drawing is Nov. 24, Judging team competes Nov. 20, Pizza sale Nov. 30, Humane society asks donations, Kick the habit Nov. 19, Award Winning film showing; Antigone is an inspirational play; Classifieds; Borge: fool that is loved; ICC takes VB tourney; Sports Notes; BB starts Sat.; Fast Freddy Contest; Entertainment scheduled for break; Freddy misses pro games; Cobras end season; Runners get personal bests
Prospectus, November 25, 1981
Denise Suerth, Darleen Bailey, Albert Sapp, Steven Smith, Mark Hieftje-Conley, Pete Early, and B. P.
INTERCOM TO BE AVAILABLE IN SPRING; News In Brief; Happy Thanksgiving; Should radio be aired in lounge?; President Reagan's cuts in federal aid hurting students; Radiation detection device purchased; Music groups to perform two Christmas programs; Stores set holiday hours; Expect normal winter; Child-rearing serious business; P.C. Happ'nin's: PC basketball on WPCD. Social hours set for women, Ski trips planned, Women, myths are topics, Blood donors thanked, PATH suggests fire precautions, PATH sponsors pizza sale; Foreigner: band that's seen changes; Coldstream Guards performed well; Earth Wind and Fire coming to Assembly Hall; Invitational basketball tournament highlights captured; Classifieds; Zappa concert leaves reviewer unimpressed; Cobras even record; Rodney Jones wins Fast Freddy; Fast Freddy Contest; Parkland's 1981-82 men's basketball squad; Problems snowball at weekend volleyball tournament
Prospectus, December 3, 1981
Johnnie Clark, David Fuqua, Terri Mayer, Denise Suerth, Shere Zaccone, Scott Dalzell, Albert Sapp, and Mark Hieftje-Conley
HYPNOTIST TO GIVE PERFORMANCE; News In Brief; More students pick business field; Program sets academic standards; StuGo approves TV purchase; Students respond to radio issue; Swing Choir plans for spring semester; Student survey shows they want radio; More students seek loans; Stuff stockings with these; Final Exam Schedule -- Fall '81; Animal Health Technnology reaccredited; Former student performs Mon.; Dan Rees puts on a one-man show; Classifieds; 'Time Bandits' misses, 'Lost Ark' classic film; Taking a look at the pro ball playoffs; Intramural VB standing; Smith noses two in tiebreaker; Fast Freddy Contest; Dead Kennedys' latest shows promise; Exchanges save on holiday entertainment and gift-giving
Prospectus, December 9, 1981
Terri Mayer, Denise Suerth, Sherry Wenschhof, Steve Smith, Jimm Scott, Mark Hieftje-Conley, Sally Bateman, B. P., and Albert Sapp
BOARD DISCUSSES POSSIBLE TUITION RISE; News In Brief; Music groups plan Christmas shows; Debating the radio issue; StuGo asks opinions; Students voice conflicting views; Data Processing sends you grades; Workshop focuses on buisness; Court ruling not hurting sales: Video recorders selling well; Call in your favorite carol Dec. 12; Scholarships awarded for many different reasons; P.C. Happ'nin's: PATH says thanks, Parkland team wins honors, Ski trip Jan. 3-8, PATH suggests fire precautions, Final Exam Schedule -- Fall '81; Christie Foundation offered free testing; Classifieds; Foreigner thrills crowd; Despite changes, Grateful Dead lives; 'Rockabilly' movement revives; It's time for college bowl games; Upsets throw off Fast Freddy picks; Parkland women defeat Illinois Wesleyan; ICC places sixth nationally; Fast Freddy Contest; 2 named to Conference; Men drop three in a row...; ...return home again Friday; 'Absence of Malice' filled with suspense; Carly Simon: Every girl's dream
Prospectus, December 16, 1981
Jan Alexander, William M. Staerkel, Jean Renner, Terri Mayer, Sherry Wenschhof, Ruth King, Larry Gilbert, Albert Sapp, Mark Hieftje-Conley, B. P., Denise Suerth, Cathy Butler, Tom Schmitz, Gene Hennigh, Anne Bailey, Scott Dalzell, Sally Bateman, and Steve Smith
CHRISTMAS GREETINGS; Parkland offers workshop on real estate Jan. 16; Student bids farewell to Parkland; Attention Accounting students; Students should let state know feelings; News In Brief; Cleaning holiday messes; Bookstores having a prosperous gift season; W.I.R.E. celebrates fifth year; Spring semester classes begin Jan. 18; Greetings from the President...; Don't want to complain, but...: Mother wants to avoid hassles; She enjoys atmosphere; Second annual video competition is underway; Students help with layout; Sistercelebration plans winter ritual; Uni High could get aid; Area offerings; 3 sides involved in radio issue; County eligible for grant; Com Club donates money; Stay on diet with sensible foods; 'Sugar Babies' rescheduled; Poinsettia: sign of season; Tree trimming becomes an art; Christmas cards start in England; He shares a gift of love; Christmas signifies something for everyone; Gift of jewelry never grows old; Boar's head: traditional feast; Day after: throw nuts; Tiny candy shop tempts with treats; Age-old customs make lovely Christmas; Collectibles make memorable Christmas; Joyous carols fill December air; Norwegian Christmas same, yet different from other countries; Christmas garden takes place of tree; Ski club selling candy bars; Good food, drink is large part of Christmas tradition; Sweep bad luck out of house; Spread holiday cheer with goodies from Great Britain; Drive carefully on icy winter days; 'Tis the season; Santa puts a smile on everyone's face; 'Buddy Buddy' funny, 'Rollover' does better; 'Pennies from Heaven' is touching; Cablevision announces service changes; A tribute to Lennon; Two new books make good Christmas presents; Max? He's a sweetheart; Christmas lives on through years; Burnham offers counsel; LRC adds two new librarians; Movie theatres offer good holiday viewing; Crazy Ozzy coming soon; Santa chooses rug over outdated reindeer; Keep holidays safe, hazard-free; Albums, 45's make great music gifts; Disease killing off pine trees in Illinois; U of I receives 3 grants; Computer model acts like storm; Artificial tree puts a crimp in her tradition; Christmas celebrated in spring?; Guest speaker featured; Students do same things on break as during class; For those who love to skate: Ice arena offers fun for all ages; Parkland's 1981-82 women's basketball; Classifieds; Christmas personals; Post offices keep busy with holiday season; Survey explains degree days; Final Exam Schedule -- Fall '81; Prospectus Christmas Hide-A-Word; 1981-1982 College bowl calendar; Women face stern test with Cougars; Women play with balanced attack; B-ballers raise to 5-0; Plenty of upcoming action for football fans; Last Fast Freddy is on Bowls; Fast Freddy Contest; Cobras meet DuPage 19th; Fall semester in review
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